The story of a photographer

I started photography in August of my Senior Year at Covenant Day School, taught by Mrs. Katie Spata. Additionally, during this month is when I bought my first camera and lens from Cardinal Camera. Shortly afterwards, I would take my camera to games and other events; then I would post them to instagram. It lead people to ask for more, and business gained traction! In a few words, that’s the origin story of! 

More About me...

What do you want adults to know about young entrepreneurship/owning a business? 

I’d like them to know that even as young entrepreneurs, we try to be just as professional. We’re just growing and tapping into our potential.

What is the hardest part about running a business? What challenges do you face as a young entrepreneur? 

Finding the right balance with pricing has been the hardest for me.  It’s been a fine balance between not overcharging clients,  and also not charging too little for the amount of work that I had to do later. 

What lessons have you learned about being an entrepreneur/business owner? 

Two huge lessons come to mind. The first is to be an advocate of your own work. No one else can advocate for you better than you, so be confident! My second lesson is to learn to accept criticism from people. They may be younger,  older, or more successful but can offer perspectives and feedback that can take your business to new heights!

Where do you see yourself 5-10 years from now? 

In 5-10 years from now, I would have obtained my undergrad degree in Supply Chain Management, my MBA, and hope to be working with a fortune 500 company. Additionally, I hope to be making a solid income through photography and have solidified my brand. I would love to take pictures for the NFL and NBA as well! 

Who is your biggest role model or mentor? 

My biggest role model or mentor would have to be my parents. Both of them have pushed me to excel in every area of life. They have pushed me to always go 100% in everything I do, which has helped me throughout the course of my photography journey. In the photography world, my mentor is Nick or ShiftyFlicks on Instagram. He’s taught me tons around pricing, lighting, and others that have definitely helped me excel.